In the event that you fail your practical driving test, there’s always going to be a temptation to book another one immediately. After all, it can often feel like there’s no time to waste when it comes to getting on the open road. In other circumstances, you might be hesitant to get behind the wheel again for some time. The question is then: how long should you leave between driving tests (providing you’re not on a deadline)? Really it all depends on the individual, however, the following factors should always be considered.
Even though you may feel that your driving licence is in reach, it’s worth considering if you’re as ready to pass as you think you are. Firstly, you should take on board the feedback from the test and weigh up whether you require further practice. Secondly, you should discuss with your instructor whether you might need additional lessons. Ultimately, you might just need a few extra hours practice before taking another stab at the exam.
Don’t forget that learning to drive takes time and the process shouldn’t be rushed. However, if you’re working towards a deadline then you might need to book another test sooner rather than later. For example, theory test certificates are only valid for two years after the pass date, meaning that it could expire if you don’t find success with your driving test before that timeframe is over.
The best drivers are confident and sure of their abilities. Therefore, if your self-esteem has taken a hit you shouldn’t feel pressured to give the practical another go straight away. Take some time to re-establish your confidence by reading the Highway Code and practicing with your instructor. With any luck, you’ll soon be in the right frame of mind to pass your practical with flying colours.
4.There’s help if you need it
You can rest assured that you’re heading for a pass if you take driving lessons in Croydon with Apex Driving School. The school has years of experience when it comes to assisting first-time drivers with becoming confident and capable on the road.
For more information, contact us today.