overcome a fear of motorway driving

3 Tips to Overcome Fear of Driving On Motorway

It is common for many new drivers to quickly develop fears of driving on Motorway or similar dual-carriageway roads. This is expected as motorways are where you are expected to go the quickest, where there can be sudden significant changes in driving speeds and where we see many accidents plastered over television or radio shows. Motorway driving is the easiest and safest method of getting around. So, to help you out, here are three tips on overcoming your fear of motorway driving.

1. Use Relaxation Techniques

Often, your fear of entering the Motorway whilst driving worsens as it’s easy to work your mind up into a frenzy over what could go wrong. Relaxation techniques can go a long way in helping you deal with that frenzy. Deep breathing is the most straightforward technique and can be done before driving and even during. Start by breathing in slowly through the nose and counting to 5. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth whilst also counting to 5. Repeat this process several times and slowly start to feel your body relax.

2. Undertake a Desensitisation Programme

Removing a fear of Driving on motorways is not something that happens immediately. It should instead be carried out over several weeks, ideally through a desensitisation programme. This is where you gradually increase the time spent on motorways until your tolerance level increases. For example, on your first day, try to enter the highway for just one exit and then leave immediately. The next time, stay on for 2 entries, 3, and so on. If you need to remain at the same number of leaves for a few weeks, that’s fine, but focus on pushing yourself forward.

3. Book a Driving Lesson

Suppose you’ve recently passed your test and are afraid of entering the motorways alone. In that case, you can book a post-test driving lesson to let a driving instructor help you learn the ropes and rules of Motorway driving. They can also help you with either of the methods above, drastically improving your road confidence.

Apex Driving School is an expert on getting people more confident on the road and helping drivers feel safer on motorways. So, for driving lessons in Croydon, contact us today to see how we can help you overcome your fear of Driving on the Motorway.

Frequently Asked Questions

To avoid motorways on Google Maps, enter your destination and select the option for driving directions. Before starting the navigation, tap the three dots or settings icon to access route options. You’ll find a checkbox or toggle in the route options to avoid motorways. Once you select this option, Google Maps will reroute your journey to avoid motorways and provide alternative routes using more minor roads. This feature can benefit drivers uncomfortable driving on highways or seeking less busy streets.
Gaining confidence on motorways involves gradual exposure and practice:

  • Start Small: Begin with shorter motorway journeys during quieter times of the day to build up your comfort level.
  • Take a Pass Plus or Motorway-Specific Driving Course: These courses are designed to give you practical experience on motorways under the guidance of a professional instructor.
  • Plan Your Journey: Familiarize yourself with the motorway route in advance. Knowing your entry and exit points can reduce anxiety.
  • Drive with an Experienced Driver: Have a confident motorway driver accompany you initially. Their presence can be reassuring, and they can offer helpful tips.
  • Stay Informed: Understand motorway signs, signals, and rules. Knowing what to expect can increase your confidence.
  • Build Up Gradually: As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the length of your motorway drives and try driving at different times to experience varying traffic conditions.
Overcoming driving anxiety often requires a multi-faceted approach:

  • Understand Your Anxiety: Identify what aspects of driving make you anxious. Is it specific situations, such as motorways, or more general driving anxiety?
  • Professional Guidance: Consider seeking help from a driving instructor who specializes in anxious drivers or a therapist who can work with you on your driving-related concerns.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or listening to calming music before and during driving.
  • Gradual Exposure: Start with short, manageable drives in familiar areas, gradually increasing the duration and complexity as your confidence grows.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Positive reinforcement can help build trust.
  • Stay Educated: Knowledge is power. Understanding your vehicle, road rules, and safe driving techniques can reduce fear of the unknown.
  • Seek Support: Talk about your worries with friends or family members who are supportive and understanding. Sometimes, voicing your concerns can be a big step towards overcoming them.